
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

My Google slide

Fàilte air ais (Scottish Gaelic)

Welcome back. :D

Kia Ora whanau, last week each of us had to choose a country and research about it and it's history, foods, sports, etc . . . The country I chose was Scotland.

After we did our research, we had to put all of that knowledge into a slide, doc, poster, etc...

Here's mine if you want to see it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Scotland is great!!!!!

Haló teaghlach. (Scottish Gaelic)

Kia Ora whanau,This week each of us had to choose a country and research about it and it's history, foods, sports, etc . . . The country I chose was Scotland.I was researching different foods and sports when I came across a sport that I could not ignore. . .Haggis Hurling!!!!!Yes, we all know that haggis is another absolutely delicious treat, but did you also know that Scotland’s national dish can be part of special Scottish sport? Whoever hurls the haggis the furthest, wins. It’s simple. . . And it's amazing!!!!! By far my favorite sport ever!!