
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Camp menu

Kia Ora whanau,
Last week we were put into groups and were assigned a budget to create a menu for a school camp of  106 people.
There were 2 people that were gluten and dairy intolerant,
6 vegetarians and everybody else could eat normally.
We could shop from pak'nsave or countdown.
I was grouped with Izzy, Sean, Zoe and Emma.
What we decided to do was to split the work between all of us.
Zoe and Emma worked on Day 1, Sean and I worked on Day 2 and Izzy worked on Day 3.
Here's the doc if you want to read it.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Digital tasks

Kia Ora whanau,
Last week for our contracts we had a list of tasks we had to do on our chrome books.
For the one that I chose we had to create our own Rugby cup on Tinkercad
Here's mine if you want to see it.
Have you ever used Tinkercad ?

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

My Google slide

Fàilte air ais (Scottish Gaelic)

Welcome back. :D

Kia Ora whanau, last week each of us had to choose a country and research about it and it's history, foods, sports, etc . . . The country I chose was Scotland.

After we did our research, we had to put all of that knowledge into a slide, doc, poster, etc...

Here's mine if you want to see it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Scotland is great!!!!!

Haló teaghlach. (Scottish Gaelic)

Kia Ora whanau,This week each of us had to choose a country and research about it and it's history, foods, sports, etc . . . The country I chose was Scotland.I was researching different foods and sports when I came across a sport that I could not ignore. . .Haggis Hurling!!!!!Yes, we all know that haggis is another absolutely delicious treat, but did you also know that Scotland’s national dish can be part of special Scottish sport? Whoever hurls the haggis the furthest, wins. It’s simple. . . And it's amazing!!!!! By far my favorite sport ever!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Dotted art

Kia Ora whanau,
This week we were making dotted art for our cultural night using cotton buds.
It was so much fun but I think that I rushed it a little.

I think it turned out well though.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

QR codes

Kia Ora whanau,
Last week for our contracts we had to read an article on Wonderopolis, choose 5 tricky words and make a video about them and their meaning, after that we had to make a QR code for it.

Click here to see my qr code video,
and here's my QR code.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

I drew a Cardio-id

Kia Ora whanau,
This fortnight for math art we had to draw a Cardioid.
To help us draw this weird but cool shape we were given a grid like template,
It was basically a circle with numbers 1-60 around it.
At the bottom of this template was a table with numbers 1-60 at the top and underneath was blank.
We had to fill in the blank half with numbers, specifically counting in two's, for example 2, 4, 6, 8.
Then we had to draw fine lines following that pattern that we made.

Here's a pic of the Cardioid.

And here's a pic of a Nephroid that I drew afterwards, but instead of counting in 2's, I counted in 3's.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

My slide

Kia Ora whanau,
This week we had to write down something that we were curious about.
I wrote down " how do you pronounce pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis "
After that we had to read an article on wonderopolis about what we wondered, then we had to make a Google slide about what we found / read and I enjoyed it.

Click here if you want to read it.

What things are you curious about?

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

News reports

Kia Ora whanau,
This week on our class contract, we had to get into teams of two or three and write a news report using the 8 words on the board,
Those words were :

I really enjoyed this activity because I got to collaborate with one of my good friends Zoe.

Here's our writing, feel free to read it.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

My digestive system poster

Ata Marie,
This week on our contracts we had to make a poster about
the intestinal tract .
I reckon that Marshall and I did pretty well.

What do you know about the digestive system?

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

My maori hero

This week we had to write a biography about our maori hero or just a maori hero in general,
Mine was Tuwhakaririka Parangi.

Here's My writing if you want to read it.

Have you ever written a biography before?

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

My writing

Kia Ora whanau,
Last week me and Te Kahu class had to write a piece of persuasive writing.
My topic was "Should schools raise money by selling candy and sugary soft drinks to students?".
I believe that I did well but I do need to work on some things like not putting random capital letters in my sentences.

My writing

What topics have you written about before?

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Impossible objects

Kia Ora whanau, This week me and my class learnt how to draw impossible objects. I drew an impossible triangle and a Blivet. I think they came out really well and I am quite proud of them.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Kia Ora whanau, Yesterday I made this wonderful little fish using a tutorial I found on YouTube.

We had to watch a video on how to make a rose with harakeke, and make a P.M.I chart about weaving, then watch a tutorial of our choosing . . . well a flax weaving tutorial of our choosing. I loved this activity and I would love to do more! :D

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Creativity is the best

Kia Ora whanau, Recently me and Lee-Zion created The Adventures of Cacti-corn or The Chronicles of Cacti-corn. we are not sure about the name yet.

He can withstand extreme temperatures and can stay in the desert for a year without water,

Don't forget he can shoot prickles out of his horn (it's a cactus) But is that all he can do?
Stay tuned and find out next time in The Adventures of Cacti-corn. . . or Cacti-corn Chronicles🌵🌵🐎

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Books are cool! :)

Kia Ora whanau, 
Yesterday Mrs Davis took us to the library and i got these really cool books!
I'm enjoying them so far and I love the illustrations! :)
I can't wait to see what their future holds. :D 

Are you in the middle of reading a book right now?
Are enjoying it?

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Learning goals

kia Ora whanau,
This week we had to write our goals for this term.
Here are mine.
Do you have any goals?

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Kia ora whanau,
recently we made these diamond poems abou ANZAC,
here's mine :)

It says
" Soldiers,
Brave, Kind,
Served, Saved, Protected,
Saviors, War, Guns, Bullets,
Fought, Conflict, Shooting,
Nausea, Injured,

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Kia ora everyone,
Recently we had to Write what we would do if we were Prime Minister,
Here is mine, I hope you like it

What would you do if you were Prime Minister?